Thursday, December 31, 2009

Day 31/365 "New Years Eve"

Hey guys, just want to say HAPPY NEW YEARS.
Today December 31, 2009. Happy new years.
New year cupcakes.

Have a good one.

love manuela ambrosio.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Day 30/365 "Sleeping with the telephone"

Hey so i was listening to Reba McEntire the song "Sleeping with the Telephone"
This song touches my heart in so many ways, that i got inspired to take a picture of a phone.
so here is to those that sleep by the phone at night.

Manuela Ambrosio.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Day 29/365 "Famous Hot Chocolate"

Hey everyone its December 29,2009 Almost a new year. Hope 2010, will be a better year.
Heres a Famous hot Chocolate, that i make. but its Secret how i make it. Enjoy and keep warm.

Love Always Manuela Ambrosio.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Day 28/365 "Shovel The Snow"

December 28,2009 Day 28 out of 365
A man Shoveling the snow.

keep warm everyone

Love Always Manuela Ambrosio

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Day 27/365 "The Table"

hey guys, welcome day 27th, almost a month been doing this 365 :D
December 27,2009
we had people over for a nice dinner.
this is the table set up.
4 glasses each, and 3 forks... wonder what kind of night it be.

Have a drink, have a good meal, and enjoy the people your with.

Manuela Ambrosio.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Day 26/365 "Burned Hand"

Hey everyone, I hope your christmas went well this year.
I also hope you all had a wonderful BOXING DAY did a lot of shopping...
Today I burned my hand off the toaster oven.
So thats the pic of the day.
Keep safe and try not burning yourself.

Love Always Manuela Ambrosio.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Day 25/365 "Christmas, Turtles."

Hey guys, Merry christmas, have a blessed day.
I got this Gold Turtle Pin for Christmas from my best friend.
It means good luck, next to it there's a Turtle on a string that was my necklace that was given to me from a cousin in Italy. But its broken. so my best friend got me the Gold Turtle Pin :)
So merry christmas.

Love Manuela Ambrosio.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Day 24/365 "Christmas Eve, CHEERS"

Hello everyone I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day Merry Christmas to you all.
For those that don't celebrate Christmas, then Happy HOlidays, I hope it be full of happiness and love.
Have a great time with family and friends, with love ones and strangers. Just Celebrate LIFE.

CHEERS. Tequila, Wine, Whiskey. Have a Drink on me. =D
Happy holidays,
Manuela Ambrosio.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Day 23/365 "Olympic Torch Relay"

Hello everyone, today was the Olympic Torch Relay in Windsor Ontario.
I went to the beautiful Ceremony and right in front of the torch got passed on.
So for today's Picture its of the Olympic Torch.
And Lets Go Canada in the 2010 Olympic.

Love Manuela Ambrosio.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Day 22/365 "scarves

Hey guys, hope you all are doing well. Keeping warm and watching Christmas movies??
So for today's picture, its of scarves lol Thought it be cool Seasonal lol.
Hope you enjoy this picture.
I was hesitant at first, i didn't think it be a good picture, but now I'm liking it a lot.
So keep warm and wear a scarf.

Love Manuela Ambrosio

Monday, December 21, 2009

Day 21/365 "What sick people drink... Tea"

So, I've been sick for a few days now. Been drinking a lot of tea, and taking a lot of pills.
As for being sick and drinking lots of tea I thought this would be a neat picture.
Enjoy, keep warm and drink something hot.

Love Manuela Ambrosio.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Day 20/365- "Old Hummer"

December 20th, 2009. It is day 20 out of 365. So how about the H2 and H3 kinda crappy Hummers.
Here is a real Hummer, an old Hummer.
Enjoy life and go for a ride.

Love Manuela Ambrosio.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Day 19/365 Italian Cookies "Pizzelle"

December 19,2009.
Day 19 out of 365, for todays picture I thought the Italian cookies "Pizzelle" would be a good picture.
My mom was making them for Christmas, family and friends, and it caught my eye to take a picture of it.
Hope you enjoy.

It's the Season to have hot drinks and coffees.

Happy Holidays to you all.

Love Manuela Ambrosio

Friday, December 18, 2009

Day 18/365 "Coffee, Sugar, Tea, Sweet-N-Low"

Friday December 18, 2009
Its day 18 out of 365.
"Coffee, sugar, tea, Sweet-N-Low,"

Have a hot cup of.... JOY

Love Manuela Ambrosio.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Day 17/365 "Heineken Anyone?"

Hey guys, December 17,2009.
todays picture "Heineken anyone?"
I was drinking beer with my mom, and after finishing my 2 bottle of beer.
I put them up on the ledge and liked the way it looked. So here is my day 17th picture.

*Have a drink, & have some Happy Holiday Cheer*

Manuela Ambrosio.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Day 16/365 "Picture"

"The Picture"
Looking around the house for it is another lazy day at home. Not knowing what to take a picture of, when I turned my head notice this. The picture that my boyfriend had drawn for me, the way the light shine agents it and the shadow of the frame off my bright green wall, I took my camera and took a picture of "The Picture". So hope you all enjoy this.


Happy holidays, 9 more days until christmas have you been good this year?

Love manuela Ambrosio.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Day 15/365 "I Love You"

Hey Guys, today is about love.
I was with my cousins, and my little cousin Chris was hanging out with me and Catherine. Chris is Catherine's brother.
Well we were chilling and I wrote on his face, "LOVE YOU"
I took this picture right after and thought it was so cute, so I hope you enjoy it.

Tell the people that you love, that you love them.
Express yourself, Show how you really feel, for our feelings are more then real, they are true.

Love Manuela Ambrosio.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Day 14/365 "Drive by, christmas lights"

Hey ya'll its december 14, day 14.
so i was driving with friends and saw christmas lights on houses
and saw this, "M" thought it was sweet since my name begins with an M
so enjoy

Happy holidays.

Love Manuela Ambrosio.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Day 13/365 "Type My Thoughts Away"

Hello everyone, hope ya'll doing well. I took many pictures for today, but again the one to seem perfect for today is the one your looking at. Its of my Macbook Pro, "Type My thoughts Away" Since I use my computer a lot for different things but manly editing and uploading. I thought it be good to take a picture of it.

Have a great day/night
"type, or write your thoughts down"

Love Manuela Ambrosio.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Day 12/365 "310 DVDs"

Hey everyone, today I got inspired by DVDs yes thats right DVDS lol.
I figured it be something different and cool.
I have way more, but if i would have continue stacking it would have fell over. Maybe a different day I'll make it bigger.
While in this picture there are 310 DVDs.
Spot your favorite.

Sit back and relax, have a movie day.

Love Manuela Ambrosio

Friday, December 11, 2009

Day 11/365 "Johnny Reid" & "The Stellas"

Hello everyone, it is day number 11.
December 11, 2009.
Today was an amazing day, I went to go see Johnny Reid in concert. Totaly worth the money, and time. He is so wonderful and brought the house to their feet. While at the concert his opening acts were "The Stellas" and Victoria Banks. At the end of the concert me and my friend got to meet the group "The stellas"
so I would like to share with you the pictures.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Day 10/365 - Candle Light & Wine.

Hello bloggers and everyone out there, today we have reached DOUBLE DIGITS. I can't believe its 10 days already.
Well, it makes me really happy that I actually lasted 10 days, it gives me hope to continue. And I have lot of support on this so that helps a lot, with my facebook page, and group for the 365 project. I just blog to share with the rest of you out there. Hope you are enjoying what I have to show.

So for day 10, this picture seems to be the most perfect picture for achiving 10 days.
Candle Light, & Wine. what can be more romantic then this.
So CHEERS to you all tonight. Hope you enjoy the life you've been given, Have a drink sit back and relax. Tomorrow is another day. :) Keep strong.

Manuela Ambrosio.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Day 9/365 "Music is par of our lives in many ways"

Hello everyone for Day 9, picture 9. It took a lot of work because I took many pictures. So after a lot of debating and picking and editing and picking again it came to this picture. Music is a reflection of how we feel. So I hope you like this photo as much as I did taking it.

Keep music in your life, music will sooth your soul.

Manuela Ambrosio

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Day 8/365 "First Real Snow Fall" Winter Wonderland

Hello everyone, where ever you may be in the world, it could be HOT or Cold.
Sunny, raining, or Snowing. This is our weather right now in Canada.
It is 11:00pm this is our "First Real Snow fall" Looks like a Winter Wonderland.
I love winter, and the snow.
I took many pictures today, for todays picture and this was the one I had to put up.

keep warm *holiday cheer to you all out there"

Love Manuela Ambrosio

Sunday, December 6, 2009

day 7/365 "Me, Myself & I... Manuela Ambrosio"

Hello again, it is December 7th 2009. For today's picture its a self picture. why? because in a 365 photography project, you should take a photo of yourself at least once a month. Now i actually wanted to do this self picture on the 6th of every month because my birthday is January 6. but its the 7th one day off not that big of deal it actually works out pretty good this way.
So, that is me its not the best picture and I don't look the greatest in it, but it is 1:00 o'clock in the morning.
well I have a busy day ahead of me.

peace to you all out there, hope your day and night will be full of happiness.

Manuela Ambrosio.

Day 6/365

Hello everyone, hope ya'll doing well. here is Day 6 of 365, so that means its picture number 6.
For todays picture I was washing dishes and looked over and saw the Tomatoes on top of the Oranges and the Tomatoes were so red and beautiful to look at that i thought "ah, now this would be a beautiful picture." So there it is. The tomatoes and Oranges.


Manuela Ambrosio

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Day 5/365 "Santa Parade" "The Men"

Hello everyone day 5, its 20 more days until Christmas. Wow. So it is December 5th 2009. Today was the Christmas Parade
so after so many pictures that I took today I had to pick the right one for the "365" project, the one that kept pooping in my mind is this one that is above. "The Men" These are my friends, the guys.
From left to right: Dan, Alex, Ricky, Moe, and Sean. Don't They look happy to be in this picture.
So those of you looking at this picture, get in the Christmas spirit. "where are you Christmas?" Smile and enjoy being with your family and friends, life is so much bigger and brighter then you think.
Happy Holidays.

Love Manuela Ambrosio

Friday, December 4, 2009

Day 4 out of 365... Strawberry Crape anyone?


Hello everyone it is December 4th, 2009.
we are now at the 4th picture out of the 365. :D EXCITING.
Today's picture is of Strawberry Crape, With icing Sugar on top. This is what I had for breakfast today. Thought it be a nice picture for today.

What are you having for breakfast?

Love Manuela Ambrosio

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Day 3 out of 365... Military Men...

Hello everyone It is day 3 out of 365. As each day comes I get more and more excited about taking pictures, and seeing how the year will turn out. :D The picture above is of Two military Men, Steven is at the top, and Alex is on the slide. They were dressed in Army Cloths, for a video. So, I took a picture of them and they were on the slide so I thought this was a good picture idea. Hope you like.

Have a great day/night
Love manuela.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Day 2 out of 365.

Hello everyone it is December 2, 2009 Day 2 of the 365 photography project. I took a lot of random pictures today, but the one i felt most to be posted is the one your looking at. My bedroom, why? Because I don't know how my room will look from a year from now, so I wanted to take a picture of how it looks right now at this moment, clean or dirty. well from the looks of it, it is dirty. But thats the fun of the 365 you just take the picture no ifs, what's or buts. you just take it as it is. Thats what i did.
Enjoy, and you all should do a 365 of something you really like doing and see how much you change within the year.
Manuela Ambrosio.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Day 1 out of 365. Let the Journey Begin.

Picture 1 out of 365- "December 1st, 2009"

Well Guy it is DAY 1 OUT OF 365 of the photography project, and to kick it off I thought it be nice to have a group photo for Day 1. So the picture above is of me and my friends, we are missing some people due at being work. But there's more to come :D.
Hope you all stick around to see what the year will be like. I'm excited to see the out come of all this. CRAZY ADVENTURE =D
The picture above is of. Sarah and her son Kayden, Vanessa, Ashley, Sean (Sarah's boy friend & Kayden's Dad) Me Manuela Ambrosio, sitting across everyone :D and then Theres DANI :D oh then there is the Queen size pizza, coke, cell phone and some cups.
------------this is going to be a crazy/fun/ interesting year. ---------

Stick around for more craziness.

Love Manuela Ambrosio.